Selected Works
The Roots and Routes of Art in the 20th Century
Horizon Press, 1975
“The two prime iconoclasts of modern art, Picasso and Matisse, are placed vividly in the Paris of 1904-1905 at the beginning of this well-written and absorbing narrative-chronicle. It may not be Michele Cone’s conscious intent, but her arbitrary placement of these audacious innovators at the opening of her study inevitably leads the reader to the sense that all that followed in Western art bore their imprint. That is an oversimplification but it is not wholly wrong. Paris-born and New York-domiciled Ms. Cone intends a savvy, instructive yet lively tracing of the radical impact of Picasso and Matisse on the swiftly proliferating movements of our century. She shows persuasively how and why the rest followed-Cubism, Fauvism, Dadaism, Surrealism, the Bauhaus experiments and, through a linkage of creative ferment, the explosions on the American scene through Pollock and De Kooning, among others, to the present day.”
“New York School Confidential" Book Review of Goodbye to Tenth Street by Irving Sandler, Art in America Vol. 107, No. 9, (October 2019), pp. 32-34.
“Disguised as a Joke” Book Review of Saul Steinberg: A Biography by Deirdre Bair, Art in America Vol. 101, No. 4, (April 2013)
“Rosamond and Friends” Book Review of Some of My Lives: A Scrapbook Memoir by Rosamond Bernier, Art in America Vol. 100, No. 2, (February 2012)
“Red Grooms” Interview with the Artist in Old Masters and Modern Muses: Red Grooms’s Portraits of Artists, 1957-2009, Bryn Mawr College, Pa., (March 25-June 5, 2011)
“Joan Mitchell, (She's No) Lady Painter” Book Review of Joan Mitchell: Lady Painter, A Life by Patricia Albers, Artnet Magazine, (June 21, 2011)
“The Success of Castelli” Book Review of Leo and His Circle: The Life of Leo Castelli by Annie Cohen-Solal, Artnet Magazine, (April 26, 2010)
“Video Cabaret” Exhibition Review of "Virtuoso Illusion: Cross-Dressing and the New Media Avant-Garde" at MIT List Visual Arts Center, Artnet Magazine, (February 24, 2010)
“Lolitos in Fag Limbo” Exhibition Review of “Hernan Bas: Works from the Rubell Family Collection” at the Brooklyn Museum, Artnet Magazine, (April 20, 2009)
“Shinique Smith” Exhibition Review of “Shinique Smith: Ten Times Myself” at Yvon Lambert, Art in America Vol. 97, No. 9, (October 2009)
“Death and the Artist” Exhibition Review of “Yoko Ono: Touch Me” at the Galerie Lelong, Artnet Magazine, (May 20, 2008)
“The Last Sensualists” Book Review in Artnet Magazine, (October 3, 2007)
“Female Troubles” Exhibition Review of “Global Feminisms” at the Brooklyn Museum, Artnet Magazine, (May 3, 2007)
“Translating Muntadas” Muntadas con-textos II: una antología crítica (Nueva Libreria, 2007), pp. 587-594
“An Allegory of Sublimation” Exhibition Review of “Jasper Johns: An Allegory of Painting, 1955-1965” at the National Gallery, Artnet Magazine, (February 21, 2007)
“Patrick Hall and the Erotic Resonance of Lostness” Patrick Hall: Drawings (Irish Museum of Modern Art, 2007)
“Who can forget Ultra Violet?” Exhibition Review of “Ultra Violet” at Stefan Stux Gallery, Artnet Magazine, (February 28, 2006)
“Excellence Has [No] Sex” Exhibition Review of “Eva Hesse: Sculpture” at the Jewish Museum and “Eva Hesse Drawing” at the Drawing Center, Artnet Magazine, (May 24, 2006)
“Translating Muntadas” Interview with the Artist in Artnet Magazine, (June 9, 2005)
“The End of Pleasure” Book Review of The End of Art by Donald Kuspit, Artnet Magazine, (February 17, 2004)
“Romping through History” Book Review of Mistress of Modernism: The Life of Peggy Guggenheim by Mary V. Dearborn, Artnet Magazine, (December 22, 2004)
“Pierre Matisse and His Artists” Exhibition Review at the Morgan Library, Art News, (February 2002)
“A Taste for Triumph” Art in America Vol. 90, No. 5, (May 2002)
“The Minotaur’s Muses” Book Review in Art in America Vol. 89, No. 6, (June 2001)
“Matisse” Book Review of Matisse: Father and Son by John Russell and Ruthless Hedonism: The American Reception of Matisse by John O'Brian, Art Journal, Vol. 59, No. 1, (Spring 2000)
“Siah Armajani” Art News, (February 2001)
“Joan Jonas” Art News, (March 2000)
“Carolee Schneeman” Art News, (May 2000)
“Pierre Restany and the Nouveaux Réalistes” Yale French Studies, No. 98 The French Fifties, (2000)
“Can Painting be Saved?” Book Reviews of Art of the Postmodern Era: From the Late 1960s to the Early 1990s by Irving Sandler; Art into Ideas: Essays on Conceptual Art by Robert C. Morgan; Critical Condition: American Culture at the Crossroads by Eleanor Heartney; Capacity: The History, the World, and the Self in Contemporary Art and Criticism by Thomas McEvilley, G. Roger Denson, Art Journal Vol. 57, No. 1 (Spring 1998)
“‘Metro, Boulot, Dodo’: The Art of the Everyday in France, 1958-72” The Art of the Everyday: The Quotidian in Postwar French Culture at the Grey Art Gallery (NYU Press, 1997)
“Mierle Ukeles: L’oeil face à l’art politiquement correct” Regard d’Ecrivain, Parole de Peintre (joca seria, 1994)
“Baroque Nature” Arts Magazine (March 1991)
“Dove va il sogne” D'Ars, Vol. 131 (Winter 1991)
“Canonicita e la questione dell altro (Tim Rollins, Dawoud Bey, Jimmie Durham, and Hachivi Edgar Heap of Birds)” D'Ars, (Summer 1990)
“Interview with Cady Noland” Journal of Contemporary Art, (Fall/Winter 1990) Reprinted in Witness to Her Art (CCS Bard, 2007)
“A Conversation with Pierre Restany The Late ‘50s in Europe” Arts Magazine, (January 1990)
“Gary Simmons” Atlantica, (1990)
“Damien Hirst” Atlantica, (1990)
“Strange Attractors/Signs of Chaos” Art press, (November 1989)
“The Rise and Fall of Anselm Kiefer” Arte en Colombia, n. 41, (September 1989)
“Suspicious Unheimlich and Ambivalence in the Appropriation Strategy of Anselm Kiefer” Art Criticism (November 1989)
“Cady Noland” à American Fine Arts, Art press, (June 1987)
“Ready-Mades on The Couch” with Jeff Koons, Heim Steinbach, Robert Gober, Saint Clair Cemin, Artscribe (June 1986)
“Peter Halley” Flash Art, (March 1986)
“Robert Yarber” Flash Art, (December/January 1986)
“Heim Steinbach” Artics, (April 1986)
“Nicolas Moufarrege” Flash Art, (May 1985)
“L’art de Nova York 1960-1980” Barcelona- Paris- New York (Departament de Cultura de la Generalita de Catalunya, 1985)
“Sandro Chia” Artistes, (April 1984)
“Cindy Sherman” Flash Art, (March 1984)
“Francis Picabia” Flash Art, (January 1984)
“Artists’ interventions in French new towns: Can artists humanize Urban environments?” Re-dact, an Anthology of Art Criticism (Locker & Owens, 1984)
“A Saint's Foot, A Moral House and Two Voyeurs. The Italian New Wave Connects” Artxpress (January 1982)
“Scenography: The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Mise-en-Scene” Beauty and Critique (TSL, 1982)
“Robert Longo” Men in the cities Artxpress, (1981)
“The Question of Post-Modernism at the Modern Language Association meeting” The Women Artists Newsletter, (February 1979)